Siguiendo lo que últimamente han hecho Apple, Mozilla, Google y otros, indicando que van a dar por no válidos aquellos certificados con más de 1 año de validez, el día 27/07/2020 Sectigo nos ha comunicado que a partir del 19 de Agosto de 2020, dejará de emitir certificados SSL de 2 años de duración. A partir de entonces los certificados de dichos perfiles serán emitidos por 398 días como máximo.
El mensaje dice lo siguiente:
Starting Wednesday, August 19, 2020, Sectigo will no longer be able to offer two-year public TLS certificates due to an industry-wide requirement set by Apple and Google, stating that any two-year TLS certificate issued after August 30, 2020 will be distrusted in their browsers.
Any two-year TLS certificate issued before 12:00am UTC on August 19, 2020 will be valid for two-years (up to 825 days). Beginning August 19, 2020, Sectigo will only be issuing one-year (up to 398 days) TLS certificates.
This only applies to public TLS certificates. Private-root and other types of certificates (e.g. Code Signing Certificates, S/MIME certificates, etc.) will be unaffected and will have the same maximum validity that they have today.
Aviso en SCM
Al entrar en SCM se muestra el siguiente aviso: